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Environmental damage

Hydrocarbons are the lifeblood of modern civilization, but they also cause massive environmental damage — a problem that can't be solved by looking at it from a single perspective. Handling and processing these special contaminates is costly, adds environmental risks and squanders energy resources and commercial potential.

Carbon footprint

Arguably one of humanity's greatest collective threat as a species, the leading cause of climate change is high levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. ReGen8 Energy is committed to carbon-neutral processes. This protects our environment and generates additional streams of revenue through selling both carbon credits and valuable CO2 byproducts.

Electrical power costs

Cost and demand for electric power continue to increase, urging businesses and communities to find alternative methods to generate power and reduce costs. As electrical grids age, power interruptions are more frequent. Independent sources of waste-powered electricity are a great advantage to operations, and the fuel is free.
Growing challenges

Carbon dioxide emission concentrations are increasing

A quick look at the Climate Clock shows the time left to limit global warming by staying under 1.5°C warming, and prevent the worst effects of climate change from becoming irreversible. The Climate Clock melds art, science, technology, and grassroots organizing to get the world to #ActInTime